The Crisis in Numbers

a broken cell phone with the word error on it
a broken cell phone with the word error on it

of hiring failures due to lack of soft skills rather than technical competencies

(World Economic Forum, 2023)

a yellow notepad on a keyboard
a yellow notepad on a keyboard
A group of people sitting at a table in front of a projector screen
A group of people sitting at a table in front of a projector screen

of GCC organizations identify critical soft skills gaps

(Mathews & Al-Shammari, 2022)


of workers will need significant reskilling in soft skills by 2025

(Future of Jobs Report, 2023)

The Crisis in Numbers

a broken cell phone with the word error on it
a broken cell phone with the word error on it

of hiring failures due to lack of soft skills rather than technical competencies

(World Economic Forum, 2023)

brown sand under blue sky during daytime
brown sand under blue sky during daytime
A group of people sitting at a table in front of a projector screen
A group of people sitting at a table in front of a projector screen

of GCC organizations identify critical soft skills gaps

(Mathews & Al-Shammari, 2022)


of workers will need significant reskilling in soft skills by 2025

(Future of Jobs Report, 2023)

The Real Cost to Your Business

Research by Bailey et al. (2023) reveals:

Low engagement costs organizations up to 20% of annual revenue

Poor communication leads to 37% higher absenteeism

Teams with strong soft skills are 50% more likely to have low turnover